Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rash Rash GO Away

Lately Rayshon had some rash on his face that we took it as Milk Rash. End up the rash worsen and got more, spreadin to more areas of his face. Decided to check it up on internet and realised it was some kind of Fungal Infection - Ringworm. So worried and brought him to GP.
So stressful to apply the cream as no good to eat it, so Doc advised to apply during his longer sleepin period which is after 10pm, whereby he will sleep til 2-3am. I had to apply thinly and also make sure while applying i dun wake him up..
After 2 days of applying, finally the rash clear up. Now jus some discolouration from the rash and according to the doc, it may takes about 2-3 weeks to even out. I hope it doesnt leave any scar or marks on my handsome boy.. (if not he sure blame mummy when he is older to understand) Praying hard... and hope it will go away and not come again. (Today mummy change all the bedsheet to prevent any recurration)
Little boy is 3 months and 1 day old today. He is more active during the day now. Sleeping habits are like this:
Last feed at 8-9pm every night. 12-1am wakes up to drink if not arnd 2am. Then wakes up again from 4-5am for another feed. But strangely, everyday between 6-7am, he will fuss and wake up to sleep beside Mummy and need to cuddle to sleep. Until 8-9am, wakes up drink milk, bath at 10-11am, nap a short while til 12noon then play a while. Sleep again from 1plus, drink at 3pm then drift to sleep on and off. Active period is 5-8pm, he will fuss at 7pm onwards to wipe him then drink milk and slowly play himself to sleep.. That is why mummy so tired.
Now he is starting to recognise people, esp mummy. He will want to look for Mummy to wipe, drink milk and carry him when he is cranky, sleepy or tired. Really pay off my hard work taking care of him 24/7... But it is so taxing to handle a clingy baby while trying to devote some time to his elder sister admist all the housework.. Cant wait for him to grow up faster so that I can have more time to spend with both of them evenly..
Most impt, my dear boy, please learn to sleep thru the nite without any feed soon.... Mummy is so sleep deprived....!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rayshon 1st CNY & Developments at 2M3Wks

Rayshon 1st CNY - 2011

His very first Chinese New Year & we started with a COLOUR THEME for our little family. Fun to shop for same colours outfits for every 1 of us. Had a great time with the house visiting, stayovers & catching up.
1st Day - Feb 3 2011
Fav past time/hobby - Licking or sucking his fist/fingers
Sometimes he even refuse his pacifier and spit it out when we try to counter-offer him with it instead of his fist. Small person with a Big mind of his own.
2nd Day - Feb 4 2011
Lookalike shirt with Daddy.. Both handsome looking man & boy of my life!! I love them lots!!
3rd Day - Feb 5 2011 (Irisa Bday)
A set of family tees
Though this picture is 'blurred' but i love it. Irisa just went to kiss Rayshon on her own when we say take pic together. I guess she must have love her lil brother in her very own ways..
4th Day - Feb 6 2011
Some cute shots of lil Rayshon. Now he can make loud coos to attract attention. Usually started off with it and if no one attends to him, he will cry out loud. It seems that he knows how to 'attract' people with his own ways at this young age.
He will respond, smile, play when we talked to him. Very impressive for his age.
I love this lil boy though i get 'frustrated' at times when he wakes up for night feeds when Mummy is so tired....